Monday, November 14, 2011

Season trend: Colour blocking #2

I thought I had better do something to make up for yesterdays pitiful post and pictures so here we go Take two!
Colour blocking doesnt just work in white rooms, it also works REALLY well in darker rooms, the layering of colours and textures adds a richness or a as above, softens the dark tone of the room.

Using multiple bright colours makes for a happy house! This is also great in kids rooms as it adds a playful dynamic to the house, not so good in an office space where serious thinking must be done!

The use of a colour screen to divide a room is great! It adds colour and also gives a clear distinction between the rooms without a full on wall. A great way to open up the house but keep living spaces separate.

The dreaded feature wall...You either get it right or you get it so so so wrong. In this case, they've hit the spot perfectly, with the natural timber, the shape of the room, the crisp white combining with the beachy blue, theyve been able to create an atmosphere similar to that of a ship which creates the perfect beach inspired room.

So, thats all for colour blocking now, I hope i've inspired some thoughts on what you can do with your place, or future place. Any questions or requests on things to cover, just leave a comment below :)  Happy dreaming!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Season trend: Colour blocking

Soft or bold touches of colour add character and life to any room. Whether you start with a blank canvas such as an all white room or a room with various colours interpreted into it, there is always a way to create the atmosphere and mood you desire, through colour.

Friday, November 11, 2011

White washed timber floors.

Don't be afraid to paint your floors people!! 

I love this look, it's stunning, modern and fresh while also allowing for hints of character and age to slip through into the homes atmosphere. A lovely accent to a modern or traditional home!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hardanger Retreat

More here Here

Tree house

The way nature and architecture have combined to create this home is astonishing. Even though the house us ultra modern, the use of natural textures such as timber and stone help it to blend in with the landscape creating the perfect tree house we all dreamt of!

Renovated Barns #1

The flawless combination of nature and modern life is expressed throughout the designs of renovated barns. Textures or raw nature combine with the sleek straight lines of modern design and architecture to create an incredible atmosphere. Soft touches remind you that you're not living in a 21st century home but an aged home saturated with character, with 21st century technology to make it feel more like home. Such an impressive architectual style!